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Regulation on Rights and Creativity

Use of Licensed or Owned Content:
Participants must use elements for which they hold usage rights. This includes models, textures, animations, and any other components needed to create their avatar. They should only use resources they have created, modeled, or for which they own the rights to modify and use.


Content Purchases:
If a participant purchases elements for their avatar, it is essential to carefully check the usage permissions associated with these assets. Only elements with proper authorization may be included in the avatar creation.


Individual Work:
Participants must create their avatars individually, without external collaboration for the design or assembly of the avatar's components. The entire creation process must be carried out by the participant alone, without outside assistance.


Respect for Copyrights and Licenses:
Throughout the creation process, participants must strictly adhere to copyrights, licenses, and regulations regarding the use and modification of content protected by intellectual property rights.


Source Validation:
Before incorporating any element into their avatar, participants must validate the source and usage rights of these elements. This ensures full compliance with the event rules and avoids any violation of copyrights or licenses.


Prohibition on Artificial Intelligence Use:
The use of any form of artificial intelligence for avatar creation is strictly prohibited. Participants must create their avatars entirely manually, without resorting to algorithms or automated systems to generate or modify components of their creation.


NSFW Content Restriction:
The avatars created must be suitable for a general audience and adhere to standards of decency and respect for all viewers. Any content of a sexual, vulgar, offensive, or inappropriate nature for a broad audience is strictly forbidden. Participants must avoid creating avatars with explicit or inappropriate elements that could shock or offend viewers' sensitivities.


Creation Deadlines and Progress Tracking:
Participants have a strict one-month deadline to complete their creation. During this period, they will need to regularly demonstrate their progress and provide updates on their work to ensure adherence to the set schedule and to encourage effective time management. Progress checks will be required frequently throughout the month.

Benevolence and Confidentiality Policy

Respect and Kindness Among Participants: 
Each participant must exhibit respectful and kind behavior towards other team members, including creators, collaborators, and partners. Interactions should be constructive, without personal criticism or offensive behavior. Communication should foster support, mutual assistance, and encouragement.


Confidentiality of Created Content:
All creative elements (visuals, models, animations, etc.) must remain strictly confidential until the official release of the episode. Consequently, no visuals or project excerpts should be shared publicly, whether on social media, sharing platforms, or in private groups. This rule is intended to preserve the element of surprise and ensure an authentic first impression for the audience.


Non-Disclosure of Project Information:
Participants agree not to disclose internal project information, including technical details, creative concepts, or any other unreleased elements. This includes internal discussions, artistic choices, and project progress, all of which must remain confidential to protect the integrity and originality of the work.


Protection of Participants’ Privacy and Image:
Participants’ privacy must be respected at all times. No personal information, images, or private data of any participant should be shared without their explicit consent. Any attempt to disclose personal information without authorization will be considered a serious breach of the privacy policy.


Conflict Resolution:
In the event of disagreements or conflicts, participants are encouraged to resolve their differences constructively and professionally, prioritizing dialogue and mutual understanding. If needed, a mediator or coordinator may be requested to facilitate conflict resolution in accordance with the values of respect and kindness.


Restricted Use of Resources and Secure Access:
Project resources (files, databases, collaborative tools, etc.) are to be used solely for production purposes. Each participant is responsible for securing their access, and any unauthorized sharing of files or information is prohibited to maintain project confidentiality.


Consequences of Rule Violations:
Any breach of the rules of respect and confidentiality may result in sanctions, ranging from a warning to exclusion from the project, depending on the severity of the violation. These measures are intended to protect the smooth running of the project and the mutual respect among all participants.

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